It’s been a good season so far at Laurentian Ski Hill and officials don’t expect this minor thaw to have much of an impact.

The hill will be closed tomorrow (Wednesday), but General Manager Cam Graham says they’ll be back open soon enough.

“A minor melt here and there, but nothing long term. Obviously we’re going through a quick one now, but that’s ok. It’s good by the weekend, by Thursday we’ll be up and going and I expect to have a good weekend again,” he says.

Graham says the colder temperatures early on in the season allowed them to make a lot of snow, although it did deter some of the recreational users from coming out.

Meantime, Cheapskates Snow Wars goes this coming weekend with a slopestyle event for everyone on Saturday.

“A family ski cross, or boarder cross, as well. It’s down the hill and people will see that in the Olympics and they can kind of relive the Olympic attempt out there,” he says.

Everyone can enter and there’s no cost.

The main Snow Wars competition goes Sunday with a jam in the Terrain Park.

Entry is $20 and registration can be completed at Cheapskates, or the morning of the event, in the upper lodge.

Everyone that enters will receive a Cheapskates Snow Wars tee as well a a prize and there will be a special prize table for all that place.

Categories include Snowboard/Ski AM/Snowboard Advanced/Ski Advanced.


(File photo)

Filed under: cheapskates-snow-wars, laurentian-ski-hill