The North Bay and area mining supply sector is benefiting through $900,000 of provincial funding.

The Minister of Northern development and Mines Michael Gravelle announced the money for 4 different businesses at the opening of the Prospectors and Developers Association Convention going on in Toronto.

Drillco Mining and Exploration on Brookes Street is receiving $250,000 to design build and field-test the first prototype of the MDS1, the next generation Modular Drilling System.

It’s capable of drilling three common platforms, including underground, surface and fly-in operations.

Nordic Minesteel Technologies on Main St. is also receiving $250,000 design, create and manufacture a prototype of the Speed Lifter.

The Speed Lifter will be able to safely lift and secure a 400-ton truck in less than two minutes.

And Foraco Canada located on Seymour will receive nearly $200,000 to create a self-propelled Mobile F36 Skid Steer – Longhole Drill Prototype for underground drilling, which will increase productivity, efficiencies and safety of long-hole drilling operations.

It will be the first of its kind in the mining industry.

As well, RDH Mining Equipment located in Alban is receiving $200,000 to create a Load Haul Dump machine, a smaller loader than the company typically manufactures.

This one-cubic-meter Load Haul Dump machine will open up the narrow-vein market for RDH and serve as a frame design for future powertrain development.

The government says these investments will create 50 full time jobs.

Filed under: drillco-mining-and-exploration, foraco-canada, michael-gravelle, nordic-minesteel-technologies-inc