New PC leader Doug Ford says if the PC’s form a government on June 7th he will be good for Northern Ontario.

“Northern Ontario will have a strong voice, be open for business and have shorter wait times and better health care,” Ford says.
He says he will also do something about the high cost of hydro bills. Ford says he’s a big supporter of the Ring of Fire and rail transportation in the north.

He says the north hasn’t been treated well by the provincial government and his government will be different.

Ford says it’s time for someone else to have a chance.

Ford says northern impact will be a part of every government decision.

“I’m going to be criss crossing the north like you’ve never seen before. I’m going to be reaching out to people, listen to their concerns and working with MPP’s. We’re going to make this the most prosperous region in North America to do business,” He says

Filed under: doug-ford