The North Bay YMCA wrapped up its Strong Kids campaign with a breakfast on Wednesday.

Michelle Ainger, the General Manager of Health, Fitness and Aquatics at the North Bay YMCA says they have a $250,000 goal but no final numbers yet.

“Last year, we did $170,000 in terms of subsidizations. 1 in 4 kids at the Y is subsidized. Because we didn’t want to turn anyone away we did have that stretch goal this year and when everything is wrapped up we should have a better idea of where we are,” she says.

She says that will be in a couple of weeks.

Ainger says their policy is they never turn someone away who can’t afford their programs otherwise.

Ainger says she sees the difference the campaign makes.

“I do personally get to sit down with those families that are in need of that assistance. It’s great to see how we can help those families and those children who otherwise may not not be able to afford to go to camp, get swimming lessons or have memberships at the YMCA,” she says.

Filed under: north-bay-ymca, strong-kids