The Military Family Resource Centre at 22 Wing is benefiting from federal funding.

MP Anthony Rota announced $142,000 on Wednesday.

This is part of a $6 million federal announcement.

Rota says military families are a valuable support network for military members so it is  important they’re taken care of.

“It’s very difficult without family support. So when we look at a family we look at that as a support group. With this funding, it helps that the family stay intact and that helps the person who is serving,” he says.

Executive Director of the MFRC is Tessa Clermont. She says the money will be spend on a number of programs they offer family members in the current fiscal year and next year as well.

“We’re able to focus on the relocation challenges that families are faced with when they’re posted. We’re trying to increase our welcome services so we’re more accommodating to ease that transition into the North Bay community. So we have welcome kits and packages…things that assist our families,” she says.

She says they’re also starting a parents support group.

Clermont says some of the money will go towards programs offered to retiring military members who left because of medical issues.

The program was spearheaded at 6 centres including North Bay and has now gone across the country.

“It’s unique because it does encompass the family as a whole. It acknowledges that there are challenges the whole family faces and not just the serving member. So when we piloted it here we really wanted it to be a success. My staff worked hard to make it a success. And now that it has become permanent we couldn’t be happier,” Clermont says.
22 Wing Commander Col. Mark Roberts says the MFRC plays a valuable role for the military.

“We’ve had support over the years but it has been taken to a new level, More programs, more funding, more people that can help families. It does mean a great deal to those of us in uniform that I can tell you,” he says.

Filed under: 22-wing-cfb-north-bay, anthony-rota, mfrc