The North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority says average snow depth for this time of year is 6 times normal.

While water content in the snow is nearly that much. It varies from 113 mm in Chisholm to 168 at Chippewa Creek and that measurement is more than 7 times the average.

The snow depth varies from 36 cm in Corbeil to 50 cm in North Bay at Chippewa Creek.

That particular amount is more than 8 times the average.

Infact a year ago, snow depth ranged from 0 cm in Corbeil to 11 in Chisholm.

There is good news though as the daytime highs of 5-10 degrees on the weekend should continue the melting process.

All time records for highest snow depth for April 17th at all 3 reading stations were set.

Filed under: north-bay-mattawa-conservation-authority, snow-depth