Some major news impacting those with Hepatitis C.

Hepatitis C is a virus that primarily impacts the liver.

Keri McGuire-Trahan is a nurse practitioner at the AIDS Committee of North Bay and area. She they can now treat anyone with a chronic Hep C condition.

“We have a cure that is 97-98 % successful. 1 pill, once a day for 12 weeks. It’s very easy,” she says.

McGuire-Trahan says the news is very exciting.

“Hep C is the only chronic disease we can cure. We can’t cure Diabetes, we can’t cure COPD, we can’t cure Arthritis we can cure Hep C. When I say cure I mean it’s gone,” McGuire-Trahan says.

McGuire-Trahan says this should be well known but it hasn’t been and that’s been disappointing but they’re going to hold several events this month to get the message out.

For details go to

Filed under: aids-committee-of-north-bay-and-area, hepatitis-c