There is no place in North Bay for RV owners to dispose of their sewage in North Bay.

Adrian Foisy went to city council Tuesday asking for something to be done. He says he has to go to Sturgeon Falls right now.

“Just a 6 inch pipe going down to the sewer. That’s all we’re asking for. It’s not a big deal. I don’t know why they’ve giving us such a hard time,” he says.
The issue did come up at budget time but Foisy was told his request didn’t make the cut.

Councillor Derek Shogren says the city has asked several places in North Bay to serve as potential sites but they’ve been rejected every time.

Foisy says there used to be one near the former Dionne home before the land was sold but nothing since.

Foisy says it wouldn’t be a big expense.

Filed under: adrian-foisy, derek-shogren, rv-and-campers