You’ll notice some new signs going up in East Ferris this summer.

New community welcome signs for Corbeil and Astorville are being installed, along with directional signage showcasing businesses and municipal services.

“The signage program is one of many tools that we’re in the process of implementing to foster our entrepreneurial spirit and showcase the businesses and municipal services available in our community.” East Ferris Chief Administrative Officer Jason Trottier.

“The welcome signs and a handful of business directional signs were unveiled at the East Ferris Tradeshow on May 26th, 2018. We were delighted with the turn out with over 1,000 attendees who had the option to view the new signage. East Ferris businesses continue to have the opportunity to enroll in the program by contacting the Municipality of East Ferris.” stated Karen Jones, Chair of Economic Development Committee.

The signage program was a $45,000 project that was a partnership between the Municipality of East Ferris, Tourism Northern Ontario and FedNor.

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