The Nipissing Lakers men’s basketball team is heading to Spain this summer.

They’re going to Valencia from August 10-19 for a pre-season training camp and competition.

It’s their first international trip since their inaugural 2014-15 season.

Head Coach Chris Cheng is confident the trip and experience will help boost their program.

“Travelling internationally is an area we want to add and experience every 2-3 years moving forward. This trip will enhance our summer training and competition experience. We feel this opportunity will best prepare us for the upcoming season,” he says.

They’ll be competing against professional and semi-professional teams while overseas.

“In order for our program to grow and compete at a high level, it is imperative to provide my student-athletes with a competitive exhibition schedule. As a coach, I recognize that the following are key ingredients to achieving success: talent, a positive team culture, people and player development, and experience. Part of us traveling internationally is to give my program that experience,” Coach Cheng added.

In a release, university officials say an international trip as such provides tremendous opportunity for the student-athletes and is critical in today’s recruitment environment and the ability to compete nationally.

Lakers Varsity teams are responsible for funding pre-season initiatives to enhance their competition schedule.

Those looking to donate to support the Lakers Men’s Basketball Program, donations are being accepted online through the university’s Adopt-a-Laker site with a credit card.

A charitable tax receipt will be issued for gifts of $20 or more.

For those that wish to contribute in a different method of payment, an Adopt-a-Laker Form is also available.

All proceeds will go directly to assist the cost of their travel, accommodations and meals.

(Photo by Brian Doherty)

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