A report involving the replacement of the West Ferris Arena was pulled at the last minute at last night’s Council meeting.

Chair of Community Services Mark King says it will come back at the next meeting because the wording wasn’t right.

It would have referred a land purchase by the Omischl Sports Complex, one of six proposals received, and the investigation into private-public partnerships to the committee.

The other proposals include property on Wallace Road and Mountainview Drive, a lot in West Ferris, Pinewood Park Drive, the North Bay Mall proposal and what’s called the North End Sports and Entertainment Complex.

King says timing is crucial.

“I wouldn’t want to leave this in the next council’s hands. I’d like to see some sort of resolution before the end. I think we have about 4 council meetings left,” he says.

Also speaking on the issue last night was Jamie Lowery who is part of the North Bay Mall proposal.

He called on council to take some time and talk to all those involved in the process and do what’s right for the community.

“In my mind the city is dismissing most of the proposals. Their preferred option is to purchase more land down on that part of Lakeshore which is adjacent to Omischl,” he says.