The Alzheimer Society of Sudbury-Manitoulin-North Bay Districts will benefit from a fundraising event next month.

It’s called Look, Listen and Laugh (because Dementia Sucks) and will take place at The Grande Event Centre.

Organizer Dave Dale says he has seen first hand through his father what dementia can do to somebody and he wanted to do something.

He says he’s learned his family is not alone in dealing with this illness.

“Everybody I’ve contacted to get involved has had a close connection with someone who has had dementia whether it’s their mother, or wife or grandparent and that’s why everybody has jumped on board to be part of this event,” he says.

He says the J Houston Band will perform music and artists Keith Campbell, Dave Carlin and Jeff Marceau will provide their works for an on line auction as well as a portrait Marceau will provide at the event.

Dale says the show is on September 14th with tickets available this Thursday at Cecil’s during the Stand Comedy North Bay Open mic night.

Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 or at the door or a $180 for a table of 8.

For more information call 705-498-2050.

Filed under: alzheimer-society-sudbury-manitoulin-north-bay, dementia, grande-event-centre, listen-and-laugh, look