The last few days of summer vacation are here and city police want everyone to think safety with another school year starting next week.

Police say Community Safety Zones are installed to remind drivers they are in an area that needs extra attention.

They also remind drivers to stop for the school bus.

Parents are being reminded to teach their children about safe travel, including looking both ways before crossing the street.

Tips for drivers:
– Children are more difficult to see than adults and are the least predictable. Take that extra time to look out for children.
– Your stopping position should always be behind the crosswalk when stopped at a red light or while waiting to make a turn. Stopping your vehicle over the crosswalk forces pedestrians to go around your vehicle and it puts them in danger.
– In community safety zones when flashers are blinking, stop and yield to pedestrians crossing the crosswalk or intersection.
– Stop for the school bus that has flashing lights. The bus is letting children off or on.
– When you approach the bus from the front, stop at a safe distance to let children get on or off the bus and cross the road.

Tips for parents:
– Sit down with your children and explain to them the rules, so they know what is expected of them and that there will be consequences if they do not follow the rules.
– “Stranger danger.” Teach your child that if a stranger offers them a ride home to say no and to continue walking. If the stranger continues to follow, instruct your child to run, to scream and to find a safe location.
– Plan ahead. This tip is important if your child is nervous. If you show your child exactly what to expect it will decrease stress. Show them the route that they will be taking to help familiarize them.
– Teach kids to look left, right and left again before crossing the street. Don’t run, walk.
– Teach kids to wait for the school bus to come to a complete stop before getting off and not to walk behind the bus.

Filed under: north-bay-police-service