Mayoral candidate Sheldon Forgette says if elected he’ll push for an indoor sports facility that will include space for soccer, football and track users.

He says that would be in addition to a two ice pad facility.

“The prime location for the new complex would be at the Omischl site. There’s enough land there to have two ice pads and an indoor soccer-football field,” he says.

He says he hasn’t costed it as the council would have options on whether to get the cadillac version, a facility at a medium cost or a low option.

“There’s all kinds of amenities in an indoor turf field. Things like a scoreboard and bleachers,” he says.

Forgette also says there are 1,200 children on the waiting list for daycare services so space could be leased to a daycare operator.

He’s also proposing a restaurant.

Forgette says if elected construction could start as soon as possible.

(File photo)

Filed under: 2018-municipal-election, city-of-north-bay