A plan to bring growth to downtown North Bay is being proposed by incumbent mayoral candidate Al McDonald.

He’s proposing a public/private partnership that will see CTS Canadian Career College and Modern College of Hairstyling and Esthetics develop a property that will include a new North Bay Public Library.

It would also include a year round location for the farmer’s market and a business incubator, which was recommended in the Baylor Report.

McDonald said, “Canadian Career College and Modern College of Hairstyling and Esthetics has, for some time, wanted to consolidate two local campuses, and head office, into one location.”

According to McDonald, students, faculty and staff combined total more than 250 people.

“Our aging public library will be better housed in a contemporary facility far more conducive to it’s needs with open public space and access to meeting and programming facilities. The Farmer’s Market will have a permanent base of operations with indoor/outdoor facilities ensuring a year round presence,” said McDonald.

McDonald added, “furthermore, another element of the BaylorReport can be accomplished when we incorporate a business incubator into the mix.”

“This is the type of growth I have been promoting for some time now. This is the type of partnership I have been trying to foster,” said McDonald.

Filed under: north-bay-votes-2018