Is the Summer In The Park event history?

One of the mayoral candidates says it is if he’s re-elected.

Al McDonald made that comment at the Chamber mayoral debate last night.

“The commitment of funding from council ended this year. There’s no question it needs to be revisited. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have festivals because I believe in festivals. I don’t think the format of Summer In The Park works and I consider it dead,” he says.

Agreeing with him was Gary Gardiner.

“The day of the big bands is probably over. A big band doesn’t cater to enough differences in our community and the result is low attendance. They’re very costly,” he says.

Sheldon Forgette and Will Boissoin say it should be kept.

“If I get elected mayor I’m going to chair Summer In The Park and I’m going to move the event to its old location. I’m going to make it more of a community festival and attract more smaller events. Also a $20 wristband,” Forgette says.

“I’m working on a show to bring in with the Red Bull Air Show. We can definitely align it with that. We could carry it on. I definitely do think we should have a festival,” Boissoin says.

The Chamber’s mayoral debate aired on YourTV North Bay.

Filed under: chamber-debate, summer-in-the-park