A few French Immersion Early Learning Kindergarten classes and teams locally are ready for their close-up.

Last spring we told you about a filming project that took place at Alliance and Sunset Park schools.

The videos, which are supporting educators right across the province, are now posted online.

Through sharing classroom footage and teacher reflection, effective use of pedagogical documentation and strategies to support oral language development we can inform and support further discussions among FSL educators.

Entitled `Les petits en maternelle` the videos feature staff and students from the Early Learning Kindergarten programs at Alliance and Sunset Park.

They provide an overview of the following:
– Interacting with the (play-based) environment
– Interacting with their peers and adults
– Verbal and non-verbal communication
– Pedagogical Documentation (Making the thinking visible)
– Reflections on the journey

“We are extremely pleased with the outcome of this project and the opportunity to fulfill a leadership role across the province promoting our French as Second Language community,” says Acting Superintendent of Education Melanie Gray. “The videos are exemplary resources for educators that highlight the quality of our educators and programming offered by the NNDSB.”

The videos and additional FSL resources can be found at:

Filed under: alliance-french-immersion-public-school, near-north-district-school-board, sunset-park-public-school