Get ready for the Bonfield Automotive Flea Market.

President of the Barrie Automotive Flea Market Lisa Groves says they have purchased the land at 357 Development Road with planning underway for events in 2019.

“We’re going to do the drag races, I’m not sure how many times a year, and then we’re going to do our Barrie Automotive Flea Market as well and I want to do a host of other community-related events,” she says.

Groves says the response has been positive so far.

She says the automotive flea market includes vendors, but that’s not all.

“To be a vendor you have to have 75 percent automotive products or goods, or you can show your car, there’s a car sales area as well, we have on-site camping, we have a licensed area with entertainment,” she says.

A release states the Barrie Automotive Flea Market started in 1971 and has been one of the top 100 events in Ontario the past five years, bringing in an economic impact of $6 million per event.

Photo courtesy the Barrie Automotive Flea Market Facebook page.


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