It’s been a week since municipal election day and the city’s incoming deputy mayor wants to get started on the work the next council is facing.

Tanya Vrebosch tells BayToday with a number of major projects to look at, people are ready to get moving.

“Take things off of sub-committees and make decisions,” she says. ” West Ferris Community Centre, King’s Landing, Splash Pad with the change rooms, these are all major things that we have to figure out and make decisions on,”

Vrebosch also tells BayToday a brain-storming session was previously held and says it would be a good idea this time around too.

“What is it that we want, what is everybody passionate about, what are their top priorities. That will help staff work towards adjusting the budget where the priorities are,” she says.

The new council is scheduled to be sworn in once the current term ends November 30th.

As she pointed out on election night, Vrebosch says communication is another priority.

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Filed under: city-of-north-bay, council