Business groups across Canada, including the North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce, say it’s time to walk the walk.

They’re calling for government action to get energy resources to international markets, starting with immediate improvements to what they call Canada’s broken regulatory system.

“The first priority is to fix Bill C-69. The government also needs to implement the regulatory changes promised in the Fall Economic Update and make immediate plans to get our resources to tidewater. Canadians have had enough of the talk. We want to see real, concrete actions,” says Chamber President Peter Chirico.

“Being from Northern Ontario, we are all aware of the importance of our natural resources and the importance of our infrastructure to reach world markets. As such, we are here to support our colleagues in Western Canada as they are struggling with much needed infrastructure for Canada’s energy resources,” he says.

The Chamber says the opportunity to cash in on the huge demand for Canadian energy projects is being wasted.

A release says Canada’s economic well-being is at risk, in addition to political and regional tensions straining the unity of the country.

Filed under: north-bay-and-district-chamber-of-commerce