The Community Living North Bay flag is flying at city hall.

This is Community Living month across the province.

Executive Director of Community Living North Bay Sherry Carnevale says they have several events and activities planned this month including the Autism Reality Trailer at their building on Wallace Road.

She says they will be holding Random Acts of Kindness every Thursday this month.

“Next Thursday, we’re going to be participating in the clean green beautiful campaign. We’re going to be cleaning up the streets around our homes and office buildings. It’s our way of giving back to the community because we get so much from the community,” she says.

Carnevale says they serve 700 people in a variety of programs including the Ontario Early Years Program known as Early On and the inclusion support program which is about supporting children in daycare centres but there is more.

“We have residential programs. We have supported independent living where people have their own apartments and we support them. We have supported employment programs where people are trying to find work,” Carnevale says.

(photos by station staff)

Filed under: community-living-north-bay, sherry-carnevale