The bylaw which currently governs taxis only is about to be expanded to include limousines and transportation network companies that offer Ridesharing services.

North Bay Police Services Board Chair Dennis O’Connor says to expect a revamped bylaw in the fall.

Today, there were several presentations on the issue at a town hall meeting in North Bay.

Anthony Campigotto a Rideshare supporter says he was concerned after some of the presentations about whether Rideshare services would be allowed into North Bay but he’s glad that’s not going to be the case.

“I feel pretty confident that it’s not a conservation about whether it’s allowed. It’s a conversation about how to make it fair so the taxi industry can work and evolve with Rideshare,” he says.

Chamber of Commerce CEO Peter Chirico says whatever changes the board makes must be seen as being fair to everyone.

“Competition is good but make sure the playing field is level. We’re advocating deregulation of the industry from a pricing perspective,” he says.

There were several presentation from taxi companies, cab drivers, Nipissing University students and local establishments as well.

(photos by station staff)

Filed under: bylaw, dennis-oconnor, peter-chirico, rideshare, taxi