An updated bylaw involving taxi and rideshare companies in North Bay is coming sooner than expected.

City police chief Scott Tod says they knew there was interest both from the public and business community, but it wasn’t expected to be up and running as quickly as it has.

Uride North Bay launched this past weekend.

Now, he’s been asked by the North Bay Police Services Board (pictured below) to expedite the work involved with the bylaw.

“That would be fair and competitive to the taxi industry and the rideshare industry. Our timeline that we’re hoping for and aiming for is that we would have something prepared for consideration by the board at the July meeting,” he says.

Before that, Board chair Dennis O’Connor says they’ll publish the proposed bylaw on their website.

“And then we’ll have a forum, in the morning and the afternoon, give the public once again a chance to speak their mind, and the taxi owners to speak their mind before we finalize the bylaw,” he says.

On Sunday, Uride North Bay posted on Facebook that they had a ‘fantastic first night’.

Originally, the police board planned on having a bylaw ready for the fall.

(photos by station staff)