The North Bay Waterfront was the place to be on Wednesday for Armed Forces Day.

There were performances by a CF-18 Demonstration team, The Snowbirds and the Skyhawks Parachute team.

22 Wing Commander Col. Mark Roberts was very impressed with the community support.

“What we receive and enjoy here is second to none in Canada. It’s outstanding support and it’s one of the reasons military members like getting posted here,” he says.

10 year olds Jillian, Layla and Myla were all impressed by the Skyhawks performance.

“I’ve never been that close to people coming down in parachutes. So it was really cool. (Jillian) The landings were cool especially the last one with the parachute formation. (Layla) I liked the one with the three parachutists together and they then let go and landed,” Myla says.

(photos by station staff)

Filed under: armed-forces-day-2019, skyhawks, snowbirds