North Bay Police report an 80 year old woman suffered significant but non-life threatening injuries after being struck by a vehicle yesterday.

Police say the incident happened in the 100 block area of Main East just after 1 pm.

The investigation revealed the driver of the vehicle was not at fault.

Police are reminding pedestrians about the significant differences between an identified cross walk, a school crossing and a courtesy walkway.

According to the Highway Traffic Act a pedestrian crossover is defined by signage, a painted crosswalk and overhead lights which flash when triggered by a pedestrian who presses a button.

In comparison, a school crossing is a pedestrian crossing where a school crossing guard helps pedestrians to cross the road and carries a crossing stop sign. In both types of crossings drivers are required to wait until pedestrians clear the roadway completely before advancing through the area.

But when dealing with “courtesy” walkways vehicles are not legally required to stop. The use of the courtesy walkway is at the users’ risk.  It is the responsibility of the pedestrian crossing at the courtesy locations to ensure vehicles have stopped before they cross.

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation identifies the following Safety Tips for Pedestrians

  • Cross only at marked crosswalks or traffic lights. Don’t cross in the middle of the block or between parked cars.
  • Make sure drivers see you before you cross. If the driver is stopped, make eye contact before you step into the road.
  • Wear bright or light-coloured clothing or reflective strips, especially at dusk or when it’s dark.
  • At a traffic light:
    • Cross when traffic has come to a complete stop.
    • Begin to cross at the start of the green light or “Walk” signal, where provided.
    • Do not start to cross if you see a flashing “Do Not Walk” symbol or the light turns yellow. If you already started to cross, complete your crossing in safety.
    • Never cross on a red light.
    • Watch for traffic turning at intersections or turning into and leaving driveways.
Filed under: north-bay-police-service