500 new trees and shrubs are being planted along the Chippewa Creek EcoPath tomorrow (Saturday).

A few dozen volunteers are taking part in the 10th Annual TD Tree Days.

Officials say the planting will help provide more tree cover for the city, build climate change resiliency and help reduce run-off to Chippewa Creek.


A couple walk/run events are lined up for this Sunday, including the 39th annual Terry Fox Run.

Local participants are getting ready to raise money for cancer research.

There’s a 5k and 10k run/walk, the event is bike, stroller, rollerblade and wheelchair accessible and pet friendly too.

Each September over 700 Terry Fox Runs are held from coast to coast to coast to ensure that cancer research continues to forge ahead.

the 2019 Terry Fox Foundation School Ambassador Aiden was only 10 weeks old when he was diagnosed with a cancerous bladder tumor.

Today he is 12 years old and has been in remission for 10 years.

Aiden’s ostomy bag makes him a little different from other kids but he hopes his story inspires people just like Terry Fox did. “I want to encourage everyone to always keep pushing even when times are tough.”

Officials say Terry Fox had a single dream: a world without cancer.

The local event starts at 8:30 Sunday morning at the Rotary Pavilion on the North Bay Waterfront.

For more information, visit terryfox.org


Meantime, North Bay is one of 35 communities hosting a Kidney Walk on Sunday.

Registration is at 9 am at Lee Park with the walk starting at 10 am.

Funds raised for the Kidney Foundation of Canada go towards research and to support cruicial programs and resources for those living with Kidney Disease.

“Kidney Walks are a special opportunity for families, friends and caregivers to rally in support of their loved ones living with kidney disease,” said Craig Kerr, President of The Kidney Foundation’s Ontario Branch. “When our community comes together it is incredibly inspiring.”

For more information visit www.kidneywalk.ca.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: kidney-walk, td-tree-days, terry-fox-run