Amelia Rising and the local chapter of Women’s March Canada hosted a ‘Take Back the Night’ event last night to stand against sexual violence.

Mary White is the public educator at Amelia Rising.

She tells BayToday it was all about having their voices heard.

“There’s a culture that suppresses these stories and there’s a shame and silence around these types of stories, but we want to bring attention to them and make people feel strong in their experiences rather than they’re somehow weak,” she says.

Volunteer with the Women’s March Committee Cindy Karugia says she wanted to talk about the lived experiences of racialized women and the importance of including them when talking about women’s rights.

“The solution is more and more people talking about it and including different, diverse opinions and thoughts when we’re talking about solutions,” she tells BayToday.

The march began with speeches at city hall then made it’s way to Amelia Rising.

About 60 people took part.


(Photo by Linda Holmes/

Filed under: take-back-the-night-north-bay