Climate and Energy Conservation is the focus of an open house at City Hall tonight (Monday).

The city is looking for input from local residents on reducing the community’s carbon footprint and addressing climate change.

Displays with information on city programs and initiatives, including key stats and data will be set up.

“I encourage everyone to come out to learn more about what the City is doing and to share their thoughts about how we can better plan for climate change, help protect the environment and promote sustainability,” said Coun. Chris Mayne, Chairman of Infrastructure and Operations.

Feedback from the Open House event will be reviewed and brought forward for integration into the City’s planning and operations as appropriate.

The City of North Bay is committed to incorporating conservation and sustainability into departmental planning and budgeting and identifying energy conservation opportunities throughout the corporation to reduce the City carbon footprint on the environment.

The City says it reduced its greenhouse gas footprint from the consumption of fossil fuels by 13.7 per cent between 2013 and 2017.

It’s targeted to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by an additional three per cent per year over the next five years.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: city-of-north-bay, north-bay-city-hall