Five minute presentations to Council are on the way out.

Council has supported some changes to the procedural bylaw, which includes all councillors on all committees and does away with five minute impromptu presentations.

Pre-registered ten minute presentations, up to three per meeting, remain.

Councillor Mike Anthony tells BayToday there are some positive changes in the motion, but in the end he couldn’t support it.

“I would’ve preferred, the more I thought about it, to keep those extra five minute presentations. There were weeks we would have none, but there were weeks when people would make four or five or six of them and it would be on an issue they were passionate about, and that’s lost now,” he says.

Councillor Scott Robertson was a bit disappointed with the loss of five minute impromptu presentations, but explains why he supported the overall motion.

“I think it mitigates the loss of five minute presentations with the inclusion of two yearly town halls, which I think is actually going to be better for engaging with members of the public,” he tells BayToday.

Robertson says with the five minute presentations there was no real back-and-forth or discussion between council and the presenter.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: north-bay-city-council