The latest city police crime stats show a 37 percent increase in break, enter and thefts year over year.

Deputy Chief Michael Daze says as of the end of September there were 320, compared to 202 a year ago.

He says there are many reasons for the increase including the impact of the opioid crisis, but that’s not all.

“The challenges related to the socioeconomic stuff too. So when it comes to break and enters we can see some connection with these issues,” he says.

Daze says this is a community problem and there are steps people can take to address it.

“Locking up your car is free and it’s easy to do. It’s a preventative measure we can take. It’s a simple step so is ensuring your house is locked. Another idea is to put in security cameras. The cost for that is coming down,” he says.

He says another tip is to be vigilant in your neighbourhood and if you see something unusual report it either to a neighbour or police.

Also up are sexual offenses from 62 a year ago to 69 this year.

Showing decreases are assaults by 47, robberies by two and drug charges by 28.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: break-and-enters, crime-statistics, north-bay-police