A good dumping of snow is a welcome sight for Laurentian Ski Hill.

That from General Manager Cam Graham who says they also need cold weather.

“We need cold temperatures so we can start making snow, which is coming. I think more than likely the first time we start up we’ll start in daylight, so we’ll probably start first thing on Friday morning,” he says.

One highlight for this coming season will be the hill’s new ‘green’ run that extends from the Beginner Hill to the bottom of the ski hill.

Graham says it will give less experienced skiers and snowboarders the chance to enjoy the whole hill.

“We’re still going to keep our beginners on the Beginner Hill, it does extend off the beginner run and it will go to the bottom of the hill and it will be less steep for some people than going down Slingshot or Airplane,” he says.

Depending on the weather the goal is to be open around the weekend of December 21st.

As for sales, Graham says season pass sales have outpaced where they were last year at this time.

On top of their Christmas and March Break camps, school excursions are big for Laurentian Ski Hill, with students coming in from all around the area, including Sudbury.

Graham says other than cancelled school buses because of the weather, there’s another potential impact they’re concerned about this season.

“We’re also nervous that if the schools go into a work-to-rule that could challenge us, if we don’t get the schools coming out to do their electives,” he says.

Overall, Graham is hopeful for a lengthy season like they’ve had the past couple of years, but it’s all up to Mother Nature.


(File Photo courtesy of laurentianskihill.com)

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