Another Fridays for Future climate strike is taking place tomorrow in North Bay.

Ten year old Chloe Cook says they’re gathering at the North Bay Museum at noon.

“We’ll march to City Hall and there will be a special presentation by me and (City Councillor) Scott Robertson at 12:30,” she says.

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg received the Amnesty International Ambassadors of Conscience award on behalf of all Fridays for Future climate strikers.

“We’re going to have a speech and then give out little pins to everybody,” she says.

Overall, Chloe says they’re hoping to create more awareness that will lead to action, including more education around climate change in schools.

“I would like to see the community get more involved and to get schools involved and more people involved with it,” she says.


(File photo by station staff)

Filed under: fridays-for-future-climate-strike, north-bay