The end appears to be in sight for the process to update the city’s taxi bylaw, to include rideshare companies.
Police Chief Scott Tod tells BayToday the board received the draft bylaw on Tuesday.
“Yes we do have one ready, we are hoping that by the end of February the bylaw is approved by the board,” he says.
Tod says it’s taken time to gather information.
“It is a bylaw that is consistent with other jurisdictions across Canada and it has taken time for us to collect information from all those jurisdictions to determine what competitive fairness looks like within their jurisdictions and how does it apply to North Bay,” he says.
Rideshare company Uride North Bay arrived in the city last spring.

North Bay has one less cab company.

BayToday received confirmation from city police, who manages taxi licenses in North Bay, that Union Taxi ended operations January 8th. Check out for the full story.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: chief-scott-tod, taxi-bylaw, union-taxi