A Callander couple tells BayToday they’re hoping to get off a quarantined cruise ship off the coast of Japan on February 20th.

Trudy and Steve Clement says they were supposed to get off on Tuesday.

They’re among the 251 Canadians still on board, after some passengers, including two Canadians, tested positive for the coronavirus.

Trudy says officials went room to room to check passenger’s temperature and swabs were done if anyone had a temperature or symptoms.

She also says the captain announced he’s negotiating with Japanese authorities to allow small groups out of their cabins, if they wear masks.

The couple tells BayToday they have a good-sized cabin and is passing the time watching movies and reading.

Check out the full story at BayToday.ca

(Photo above) AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko 

(Photos below) Submitted to BayToday.ca by Trudy Clement


Callander’s Steve and Trudy Clement are being quarantined for 14 days on cruise ship off the coast of Japan after some passengers test positive for the coronavirus photo courtesy Trudy Clement


Media outside quarantined cruise ship in the port city of Yokohama waiting for any new developments. photo courtesy Trudy Clement
Filed under: callander