A number of community partners including the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit HANDS The Family Help Network, the EarlyON Centre and the Military Family Resource Centre have launched a parenting campaign.

April Porter is the manager of the Early ON Centre in North Bay.

She says they consulted with parents in putting 4 messages together for parents including connecting with your children.

“Finding time to connect and let go of everything and spend time with your children,” she says.

The other key messages are recognizing the emotion of your child, the importance of play in child rearing and don’t forget to take care of yourself too.

Parent Karen Lemieux has three children and uses the services of one of the partners in this initiative, the EarlyON Centre and says the message for parents of taking care of themselves is important too.

“If we take time for ourselves it makes us better parents. We tend to have more patience and puts us in a better mental state to provide our best to our children,” she says.

Each message will be highlighted for one month by the participating sponsors.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: earlyon-centre, Hands The Family Help Network, mfrc, north-bay-parry-sound-district-health-unit, parents