North Bay and area was well represented this week at the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada conference.

North Bay Mayor Al McDonald was in attendance to help the local mining sector.

“We wanted to support them and help make connections and really show how important mining is to our area,” he says.

He says there was 65 mining companies in North Bay and they are positive about the future.

“They’ve very positive about a critical mass of expertise in North Bay. It really showed at this conference which is the largest in the world how innovative and important North Bay is to the global mining sector,” McDonald says.

The conference saw 1,000 exhibitors from 135 countries.

One was Odyssey Fluid Power of North Bay. They met with prospective clients from around the world and promoted its ability to provide new rig sales, as well as complete rig overhaul, parts and service support to the exploration drilling industry.

Drillco of North Bay unveiled its new high-efficiency clean-tech Modular Drilling System. Drill Co. was one of 110 businesses representing the region at the FedNor-funded Northern Ontario Showcase pavilion. The conference saw 25,000 attendees over four days.

(photo submitted by PDAC)

Filed under: al-mcdonald-north-bay, pdac-2020