A motion initially adopted in Midland to have property taxes waived by the feds for the year due to COVID-19 was not supported by North Bay City Council.

The motion was brought forward by Councillor Mike Anthony.

He says any federal relief for municipalities on the COVID-19 issue will be funnelled through the province and this is way to do it.

“I believe we are going to have some very tough times ahead of us. And I believe we’ll have businesses and citizens who will have a tough time paying taxes,” he says.

Only one other councillor supported Anthony on the motion.

The Midland motion asks the feds to waive 100% of the 2020 property taxes for all residential properties currently
assessed at or below $ 500,000.

Councillor Tanya Vrebosch says not everyone is in the same boat.

“Don’t give it to people that don’t need it right now. Save it for the people that do need it and the areas that need it at the right time. To ask for a blanket approach that no one pays taxes for 2020 when it’s not necessary. A targeted approach is best,” Vrebosch says.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: city-council, mike-anthony, tanya-vrebosch