A huge milestone for the Hearts and Smiles campaign recognizing frontline healthcare workers in Canada.

They’ve raised over a million dollars so far for The Foundation Fund through the sale of t-shirts and masks.

Proceeds are going directly to The Frontline Fund, a national coalition that supports more than 150 hospital foundations across Canada, including the North Bay Regional Health Centre.

Funds will help provide frontline healthcare workers with personal protective equipment, supplies, and support COVID-19 basic research, clinical trials, and vaccine development.

Rogers Sports and Media launched the campaign on International Nurses Day and is thanking Canadians for their support.

“I am inspired by our frontline healthcare professionals and their tremendous dedication to the safety and wellbeing of Canadians,” said Joe Natale, President & CEO, Rogers Communications. “We are blown away by the response to this initiative, and I am incredibly proud of our team’s commitment to giving back to the communities where we live and work.”

“I really believe we live in the greatest country in the world, because in times of need Canadians always rally together for the greater good,” said Jordan Banks, President, Rogers Sports & Media. “I am humbled by the courage and commitment of our frontline healthcare workers and proud of our team for joining Canadians in recognizing and celebrating this group of deserving heroes. A million thanks, Canada!”

“This is truly incredible and we are heartened by the response from Canadians this week,” said Ted Garrard, CEO, SickKids Foundation and a member of the steering committee for The Frontline Fund. “On behalf of the more than 150 participating hospital foundations from coast to coast, who support hundreds of thousands of health care providers, our sincere thanks for your generosity. Thank you for having our backs!”

Canadians can continue to lend their support for frontline healthcare workers by purchasing Hearts and Smiles t-shirts and masks at HeartsandSmiles.ca.

Filed under: heartsandsmiles, north-bay-regional-health-centre-foundation, rogers-sports-and-media, the-foundation-fund