After years of consultation and design the city says construction on a multi-use trail connecting the north and south ends of North Bay is expected to start in early August.

A $2.17 million construction tender was awarded at Council Tuesday night.
It’s called the West Link extension and similar to the Kate Pace Way, it will include two-way sections separated from the road by a curb, as well as a section of bike lanes along Main Street West.

Councillor Scott Robertson says this is great news and is a long time in coming.

“A lot of work has gone into this. A lot of community members have been pushing for improved multi use pathways be it recreational pathways or active commuting pathways,” Robertson says.

City Councillor Marcus Tignanelli says the extension will further promote the city as a place of active transportation but it’s good for safety reasons too.

“You don’t have to get off the Kate Pace Way any more. The Kate Pace Way will take you all the way from the north end to the south end and it connects the city. For me, it’s a missing linkage that’s always been missing and now we can say North Bay is connected as one single trail,” Tignanelli says.

Also included are improvements to the Main West and Memorial Drive intersection and a new signalized pedestrian/cyclist crossing on Main West near Timmins Street.
“The addition of bike lanes on Main Street West and a new signalized crossing at Memorial Drive will further expand North Bay’s active transportation network and help make the city’s roads safer for everyone,” said Rod Bilz, Chairman of North Bay’s Active Transportation Committee and founder of Cycling Advocates of Nipissing.
The project, which will be supported by $377,000 in funding through the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Program, will help form part of the Voyageur Cycling Route, which spans from Sudbury to Ottawa.
“This project will not only complete a vital trail link within North Bay, but will strengthen the City’s connection to a province-wide cycling network,” said Jennifer McCourt, Executive Director of Discovery Routes Trails Organization.

Work is expected to start early next month and must wrap up by the end of October.

(file photo by station staff)

Filed under: coun-marcus-tignanelli, kate-pace-way, multi-use-trail, scott-robertson