North Bay City Council will be filing a funding application with the province for COVID-19 relief under the phase two “safe restart program”.

Deputy Mayor Tanya Vrebosch says the year end projected deficit is $600,000 but that figure has fluctuated throughout the year from $300,000 to $1.7 million and is now $600,000.

Vrebosch says it’s not clear if the funding is for their net deficit or their gross deficit so both will be included in their application which must be submitted by next Friday.

She says this has been an unpredictable year so being successful in their application is very important to the city’s finances.

“What we want to do is use the money we get before we touch our reserves and keep those for when we truly need them and that could happen next year. What they’ve said is that anything you don’t use this year save it for next year,” she says.

She says the gross deficit is $5.1 million.

(photo by station staff)

Filed under: covid-19, tanya-vrebosch