Organizers of a new clothing drive in North Bay are delighted with the public response to it.

Justin Fotheringham is an associate pastor at Lakeshore Evangelical Church.

He says they’re distributing clothing that has been donated every day this week from noon to four each day.

Fotheringham told BayToday with no Operation Warmth this year the public has stepped up big time.

“The stuff that has been coming in has been all bagged and boxed properly. It’s been really nice stuff. It’s not stuff that been used for seven seasons and no one will get more than six months out of it. It’s phenomenal what we’ve received,” he says.

Fotheringham says this type of event isn’t new but seeing how the city has stepped up makes you feel really thankful.

He says they’ve been getting between 25-30 bags most days and it’s still coming in.

(photo by Jeff Turl BayToday)

Filed under: lakeshore-evangelical-church, winter-clothing-drive