Vic QP sept 2015 The Patch 4 Patch program is about to go province wide.

The solution to curb the growing trend of fentany abuse began in North Bay and it recieved all-party support on Third and Final reading at Queens Park today (Monday).

Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli brought forward the Safeguarding Our Communities Act which is expected to receive Royal Assent in the near future, with some sections of Bill 33 to become Ontario law within six months.In the Ontario Legislature today, Fedeli said Bill 33 will make sure people who don’t need a Fentanyl patch can’t get a patch.

Fedeli said “Bill 33 would require a person prescribing fentanyl patches to record on their prescription the name and local of the pharmacy that will fill their prescription, and to notify the pharmacy about the prescription.”

He says there is also a requirement that a new fentanyl patch can only be dispatched to a patient once they bring a used one back.

Fedeli says the program it has been working in many city’s and therefore should be taken province wide.

He says “it has had a positive affect in our community, and at last count 45 Ontario communities had implemented or were looking to implement a Patch 4 Patch solution.”