City HallInvesting for the future; that was the message behind Renzo Silveri’s presentation to City Council on Monday.

Silveri is a local developer and he was urging council to continue with development on the Ski Hill sewer extension project.

He says it’s a great area for housing and that’s where people will want to live.

He adds city council needs to start getting on the same page when it comes to how they promote the city.

He says “it’s not a bad thing to argue a point, but you shouldn’t do it at a personal level. Being divisive is not where you want to go.”

Silveri says this would show strong leadership and confidence in both city staff and growth prospects for North Bay to continue the extension project.

Mayor Al McDonald said after the meeting he agreed with Silveri and the city needs to continue getting different areas ready for subdivision development.

He says despite there being lots of available housing they need to be ready for an economic upturn.

McDonald says it’s very important to take advantage of a slowdown by investing for the future.