A very productive session.

That’s the word from MP Anthony Rota after Parliament wrapped up it’s latest session last week.

“We had a lot of bills come forward, everywhere from cannabis to the environment to everywhere in between, helping out the economy,” he says.

Rota is pleased with the bills that have come forward, saying they’re well thought out.

He also says one highlight locally was the budget increase for FedNor, but that’s not all.

“Increasing NECO, the Community Futures Corporations who help small businesses grow, so what we’re seeing is a real push in the area to get businesses up and running,” he says.

With the marijuana legislation, Rota is confident the provinces will have everything in place for October 17th.

He was asked about concerns by North Bay Police around the cost impact and having the proper equipment to see if people are below the legal limit.

“Whenever anything new comes up there’s always some risks, I certainly have some concerns. I’m confident that the city police will have everything in place, but I suggest we approach this with caution and better to air on the side of caution, make sure everything falls into place,” he says.

Rota also reminds people that anyone doing anything before October 17th will be subject to existing laws.

Filed under: mp-anthony-rota