(left to right) Warrant Officer Rodney Johnston, (GCWCC Assistant Chairperson), Ciara Deschamps (United Way Community Coordinator), Colonel Henrik Smith (22 Wing Commander), Chief Warrant Officer Mary MacDonald (Acting Wing Chief Warrant Officer) and Captain Jean-Sebastien Ferland (GCWCC Chairperson).
Image by: Corporal Rob Ouellette 22 Wing North Bay © 2015 DND-MND Canada

22 Wing CFB North Bay is helping the United Way Sudbury and Nipissing Districts make positive change and growth in the community.

That from United Way officials who accepted a cheque for $15,500 from members of 22 Wing.

The local military members took part in the 2015 Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign and surpassed their $15,000 goal.

They canvassed every member, held events and collected donations too.

“Six weeks ago, 22 Wing set a goal to raise $15 000 in support of the United Way’s Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign. We fanned out all over the wing canvassing every member, holding events and collecting donations. Today, it gives me great pleasure to confirm that, in true 22 Wing fashion, we surpassed our goal raising over $15 500,”announced Colonel Henrik Smith, 22 Wing Commander. 

“We are extremely thankful to have such a wonderful workplace partnership with 22 Wing” said Ciara Deschamps, Community Coordinator, United Way Sudbury and Nipissing Districts. “22 Wing has been contributing to the Nipissing campaign for many years and has helped us to make positive change and growth in our local community. It has been a pleasure to be able to partner with such an engaged and devoted group of individuals. We truly are lucky to have 22 Wing’s support.”

The United Way provides funding support to social service programs, training opportunities to non-profit groups and more.