Officials with the Rorab Shrine Club are hoping the public can help them get two of their motorized bikes back.

President Dennis Harwood says two of the bikes, valued at about $3,300 each, were stolen in the past week or so from a locked compound on Commerce Court.

“On the back door of the trailer it shows a picture of a Shriner carrying a crippled child and it says ‘Help support Shriners hospitals for children’, you have to be pretty heartless to break into a trailer that has that written on it and steal two little motorcycles,” he says.

Harwood says it’s not the first time they’ve had motorized vehicles stolen, that’s why the sought a locked compound, but that didn’t deter the thieves.

He says about a week after the 2012 theft they got a call from police that the vehicles were found.

“I think it’s just because there was so much social media, that they couldn’t believe that people would do this to the Shriner’s, that they got returned,” he says.

They did get those ones back after posting on social media about the theft.

Harwood says they have three parades they’re riding the bikes in this weekend, and will have to go with six bikes instead of the usual eight.

He says they’ve contacted police about this latest theft.

Anyone with any information can contact police or Crime Stoppers.

Filed under: rorab-shrine-club