Don Curry
Don Curry presented to the Living Fit group about efforts to bring 2 large Syrian families to North Bay.

We’re learning more about the first of two Syrian families that is coming to North Bay.

Just over $50,000 has been raised so far for the sponsorship initiative with Executive Director of the North Bay and District Multicultural Centre Don Curry saying they’d like to get to $60,000.

He says that will allow them to comfortably assist both large families.

Curry says they’re hopeful the first family, a 35 year old mother and her 9 children, will be here next month.

Meantime, a website is being set up to allow people to help out with various items that may be needed to assist the family, like furniture.

Curry says it’s being developed now and is expected to be up and running this weekend.

He also says if people are looking to volunteer, most of the committees the have lined up, from healthcare, education and housing, have enough volunteers, but anyone interested should still contact them.

Meantime, he says this private sponsorship process is different from what the federal government is undertaking with it’s pledge to bring in 25,000 or more refugees.

Overall, Curry says about 99 percent of the community response to this initiative has been positive.