(File Photo by: Corporal Rob Ouellette, Reservist, 22 Wing Imaging, CFB North Bay)  

22 Wing CFB North Bay is not going to be hosting Syrian refugees at this time, but a couple personnel are directly involved in the process.

A half dozen military bases will be welcoming refugees.  22 Wing Commander Colonel Henrik Smith confirms they are not one of them.

Meantime, Colonel Smith says there are a couple of local military members involved in the government’s resettlement process.

The federal government says the first flights carrying Syrian refugees to Canada are expected to arrive in Montreal and Toronto next Thursday.

Ottawa has promised to resettle 25,000 refugees before March, but Immigration Minister John McCallum says with a growing number of private sponsors stepping up to help, this country could end up taking in 35,000 to 50,000 by the end of next year.

(With files from the Canadian Press)

welcome refugees