North Bay PoliceNorth Bay Police are reporting a 46 year old female cyclist, involved in a collision Monday night, has been issued a provincial offence notice after riding her bike on the sidewalk.

Police were called to the collision involving a pick-up truck and bicycle at Lakeshore Drive at Lovell Avenue just after 5 pm. 

Riding a bicycle on the sidewalk is contrary to a City of North Bay bylaw.

Police say the cyclist was travelling on the sidewalk on the left-hand side of Lakeshore Drive without a light and with no reflectors on her bicycle.  The back tire of her bicycle was struck by the truck, which was making a right-hand turn from Lakeshore to Lovell.

The cyclist suffered minor injuries and was taken to hospital.

Meantime, police have issued some reminders for cyclists, including the fact that under the Highway Traffic Act, a bicycle is a vehicle.


  • must not ride their bicycle on sidewalks;
  • must have and use a white front light and a red rear light or reflector when riding between one-half hour before sunset and one-half hour after sunrise;
    • must ride on the right-hand side of the road, as close to the right edge of the road as possible;
    • must obey all traffic laws, including stops at stop signs and red lights;
    • must ride only in the designated direction on one-way streets;
    • must have a working bell or horn on their bicycle;
    • must wear a helmet, if under age 18. (Note that although wearing a helmet is not compulsory for adults age 18 and over, the North Bay Police Service recommends that all cyclists wear helmets.)


Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation offers excellent safe cycling guides for adults and young cyclists, including instructions on hand signals.