North Bay’s cracked the top 200 places to live in Canada, accoring to Money Sense magazine’s 2018 rankings.

The Gateway city jumped 58 spots to 197th, up from 255th last year. The magazine says the city’s most attractive features are its accessibility to health care, amenities and low taxes..

Oakville and Ottawa claimed to the top two spots while Sudbury ranked 136th and West Nipissing at 354th.

West Nipissing was rated first overall, while North Bay was rated the 7th best place to live for low taxes.

To rate the cites with the lowest taxes, Money Sense considered both tax rates and the average dollar amount paid in taxes.

Money Sense says in West Nipissing you will pay a property tax rate of 1.9 per cent, which should work out to an annual average bill of $1,495, thanks to an average housing price of just $216,000.